Vera Sacks is a Holistic Health Practitioner and provides personal consultations in Energy Stress Assessment, functional disturbances of body organs, and food and dietary supplement sensitivity analysis. The purpose of this program is to identify root causes of medical issues and design a program to meet the needs of your body.
Through advances in Electro Medicine originally developed in Germany in 1950, we can now determine and treat energetic imbalance or pre-disease conditions while they are in “electrical imbalance” stage, rather than after cellular or chemical changes have taken place.
Once disease is visible through traditional testing procedures, it is usually difficult to reverse the condition. At the stage of electrical imbalance we can reverse the condition even before symptoms appear. This is truly preventative medicine and the very essence of modern medical science.
Vera will establish an energetic evaluation, a functional testing of organs and tissues through the measure of acupuncture points – energetic pathways of your body. These measurements indicate balances, or imbalances, in the various organ systems and detect low level reactions. It also indicates which nutritional or homeopathic preparations and exact potencies will bring about an energy balance.
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We are not doctors, we do not intend to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any disease. If the reader is making a lifestyle change, has current medical needs or constraints, is taking prescription drugs, or is pregnant or nursing, they should seek the advice and support of their medical physician prior to embarking on a new lifestyle program.